I totally agree with you on the attitude of Robin Patterson. The various projects of wikipedia are orgamized by language, not by nationality. I think as well that encouraging the growth of an edition of wikipedia is possible only providing contents in a specific language, not by filling it with stuff that has to be tralslated. Thanks for detailing your POV. --Snowdog ༡༦:༥༧, ༣༠ Jun ༢༠༠༥ (UTC)

I've tried to transliterate Zhoumolongma as ཞུམུལང྄མ but am not sure, could you please update en:Mount Everest if you know any better? Nickshanks 18:30, ༢༣ February ༢༠༠༦ (UTC)

Hello! I`ve got one request for you. I collect words in various languages. Now I`m looking for word "sugar" in other languages, but I can`t find a Tibetian dictionary. I`ve got counterparts of word "sugar" in Japanese, Ahmaric, Thai, Georgian, Nepali and Chinese, so can you write me what is "sugar" in Tibetian language? I`ve got this word in 284 languages and dialects of many regions and countries in the world so it is very important for me! Thank you very much! Szoltys <talk>

Could you please write a stub http://bo.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kur%C3%B3w - just a few sentences based on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kur%C3%B3w or ZH wiki? Only 2 -5 sentences enough. Please. Pietras1988 ༢༡:༠༣, ༣ May ༢༠༠༦ (UTC)
